Thursday, May 22, 2008

Alicia & Ben's Engagment Session

05.17.08 - What a magical weekend for Alicia & Ben! Saturday morning, Alicia was preparing for her Graduation from one of the top engineering schools in the country at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Congratulations on the degree! And then, in the afternoon, we had the great opportunity to shoot their engagement session on the RPI campus (where they met). What a great time all around, can't wait for their upcoming wedding!

Another beautiful couple (and super smart as well):

This is the dorm where they met.


Anonymous said...

such beautiful pictures!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are amazing, it really tells a story!

Tak said...

another great shoot!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures. They came out so well! Thanks so much Steve and Tak!