Saturday, March 15, 2008

St. Baldrick's 2008: Finding a Cure for Children's Cancer

03.13.08 - Congratulations to Team General Re for raising $100,000!!! What a great cause this is; St. Baldrick’s is a head-shaving event to raise money for childhood cancer research. Each "shavee" collects donations from friends and families to support the cause. Children in cancer treatment typically lose their hair, and through the St. Baldrick’s event, businessmen, businesswomen, moms, dads, friends and others now shave their heads to show the world they support children with cancer and that it is okay to be bald. The funds collected support the Children's Oncology Group - the world's foremost network of childhood cancer researchers.

I feel so honored that I was invited to be a part of this special night. We were at the Bradford's Bar & Grill in Stamford, CT. It was hot, jam packed, and there was hair all over the place, but what a blast! :-)

I had a chance to meet Stamford's Mayor Malloy, a lot of really cool Gen Reinsurance employees, and was lucky enough to capture the magic that night as well.

Enjoy the slideshow! (click the image to play)

Haircuts by: Salon Wayne


Tak said...

looks so much fun. did you shave your head as well?

Anonymous said...

awww not only are you a great photographer but you also have a heart of gold to boot!